Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Windows tools

MSInfo32.Exe - Shows system information. Lists device drivers and running processes. The data collected can be exported in a text file.

TaskList.exe - Displays a list of currently running processes on either a local or remote system.

pstat.exe - Gets installed as part of windows 2000 support tools. It shows list of all the processes running on the system and Shows following process specific information - time spent by the process in user mode, time spent by the process in kernel mode, maximum working set size, # of page faults occured, commited memory size, # of open handles, # of running threads and process id.

pview.exe - Gets installed as part of windows 2000 support tools. Lists all the running process on local or remote machine. It shows following process specifc information - working set, heap usage,all the running threads in a process. It shows detailed information about running thread like - thread prority, processor time used by the thread, kernel time, user time, context switeches done by the thread, start address of thread and dynamic priority.

msizap - Msizap.exe is a command line utility that removes either all Windows Installer information for a product or all products installed on a computer.

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